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Friday, April 20, 2007

The Big Move

I have moved.


I have found a new home.
Wordpress is my new blogging partner.

0 vowed to Lenayism
5:22:00 PM

Sofisticat, Escape Artist, Junkie Monkey, Love Bug
Read my VisualDNA Get your own VisualDNA™

0 vowed to Lenayism
5:18:00 PM

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Perennial Late-Comer Rants About Being Late...Again
I was late again for the nth time this year. The long holiday break, and my resolution to go to work un-late did not help today (and yesterday). The perennial late-comer bug is still inside my system.

Thirty minutes is the usual travel time. That does not count the usual nuances that come along the way. Cubao, with its well-known traffic, does not only stretch time but also patience.

Patience, which is relative to three variables: (1) how jeepney drivers navigate the route from Cubao to Eastwood, (2) the length of time they wait for passengers alight and descend in various pitstops, and (3) the degree of traffic.

By tomorrow, I resolve not be late. A change, indeed, for someone who has not been REALLY taking seriously the frequency of coming late to work every morning.

Instead of allotting 30 minutes for travel time, I will make it an hour. Consequently, I will wake up 30 minutes earlier than my usual waking time. That means another nudge on my body clock.

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0 vowed to Lenayism
12:05:00 PM

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Kids Asks the Darnest Things

Being in the company of two precocious kids requires gazillion carefully thought-of responses.

A snippet of a child-adult conservation just a while ago:

Five-year old kid: Ate, when I grow up, would I have big breasts?
21-year-old nuisance: Of course. Growing breasts is a part of growing up.
Five-year old kid: When would I have it?
21-year-old nuisance: When you reach adolescence.
Five-year old kid: When is that?
21-year-old nuisance: When you reach high school, I guess.
Five-year old kid: (counts fingers) After seven years?

A sound inquiry, I think. An inquiry that's so far, several notches higher to yesterday's "Why do cartoon characters' eyes well up when they are about to cry?" and a few notches lower to yester week’s "Why do babies come from their mother's genital canal?"

Having a considerable time spent with them have almost made me immune to surprising questions, which, honestly, when I was a kid I would not even dare to bring up. Of course I was this introverted kid, who would only ask about "safe" questions. Probing "sensitive" topics was left to methodical discussions during school days, to individual research through the use of books, and to personal understanding of messages delivered by the mass media.

Kids, apart from being impressionable, are also very vocal these days. Because of the continuous torrent of information they receive each day, most especially through the television, they have more questions to ask. Questions that range from the usual ones like "Why is the sun yellow?" to those that need a careful explanation like "Why do boys have a different sex organ?" There is a message overload that children can or may not be able to cope with.

Therefore, the importance of "adult guidance", which, I believe, should achieve precedence in every Filipino household. The two precocious kids I am talking about are, fortunately, very cerebral. They would easily point out things that do not sit well with them, oftentimes treating it in a comic way. However, they are the ones that continuously deliver sincere questions that do not sit well with adults, who consequently, try it very hard in giving careful explanations.

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0 vowed to Lenayism
11:44:00 PM

Monday, April 09, 2007

The unbearable heat makes me hate summer all the more

So I finally managed to have my three rolls of films developed after almost a month. The cost of developing three rolls of films had me postponed it for a bit only to know later that I could save a lot. Anyhow, I only spent a measly amount of money for the developing plus the additional fee for having it saved in a cd. Big thanks to Jpeg for lending me his SLR camera.

The unbearable heat makes me hate summer all the more. Wait. Scratch that. I love summer sans the sweat and the scorching sun. I love summer because as someone puts it, it gives us the permission to get idle. Wait. Scratch that again. Summer's a blessing for those who do not have a five-day job all year round. I am forgetting that work's going to resume tomorrow after a long holiday break.

I am not making sense. The heat must have fried my brains into fine, delectable sausages.

Alanis Morissette, by the way, has her own version of Black Eyed Peas' My Humps. Alanis Morissette has, in my opinion, regressed from the former poster girl of angst to the newest ditz in MTV, unless she made it as a parody. It is so jarring.

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0 vowed to Lenayism
3:40:00 PM

This Is So Cool I Had It Bookmarked (and Copied)
"It is a small world. You do not have to live in it particularly long to learn that for yourself. There is a theory that, in the whole world, there are only five hundred real people (the cast, as it were; all the rest of the people in the world, the theory suggests, are extras) and what is more, they all know each other. And it's true, or true as far as it goes. In reality the world is made of thousands upon thousands of groups of about five hundred people, all of whom will spend their lives bumping into each other, trying to avoid each other, and discovering each other in the same unlikely teashop in Vancouver. There is unavoidability in this process. It;s not even coincidence. It's just the way the world works, with no regard for individuals or for propriety." - Anansi Boys, Neil Gaiman

2 vowed to Lenayism
12:04:00 AM

Thursday, April 05, 2007

This is what I get from reading Tikman ang Langit, an Anthonology on the Eraserheads.

So I picked up this paperback from Powerbooks, brought it to the counter after a few minutes of skimming, and easily discharged P180 off my wallet without even giving it a second thought.

A big confession though: I am NOT a HUGE Eraserheads fan. I do not know all their discography. I sometimes falter with regards to the lyrics when singing their songs. I do not collect Eraserheads memorabilia. I have not attended a single Eraserheads concert or gig. I do not have all of their albums.

When the Eraserheads released their first album, Ultraelectromagneticpop, I was probably in second grade. By the time I knew who the Eraserheads are, I was already in fourth grade, which was the year when the third album, Cutterpillow, came up. I clearly remember that year because a girl classmate kept on blabbing about, gushing over, and crushing on this Ely Buendia guy, whom I knew nothing about.

And then there was this movie starring the so-called teen heartthrobs of the 90s, which, I guess, formally introduced me to the Eraserheads. The movie was "Pare Ko", which was based on the seminal hit of the Eraserheads.

A growing interest soon ensued. I was fed irregularly by TV appearances, radio plays, and song hits (or music jingles), thanks in large part of my place of residence, which is three hundred kilometers away from Manila. One time, the Eraserheads announced on national TV that they will be having a concert in our city, particularly in our university. The problems were (1) I was too young and going to a concert was unallowable in our home and (2) scrimping for my ticket fee was restricted by my measly allowance. I finally managed to see three-fourths of the Eraserheads, though, on separate occasions with their separate bands several years later.

By the time I left home for college and gained quasi-independence (and was already old to go and pay for concerts), the Eraserheads disbanded. It was in 2002. It was disappointing, naturally.

For a band that lasted for more than a decade, Eraserheads has given more than enough. During gatherings, jamming sessions, and karaoke singing, the songs of Eraserheads have always been a staple. But more than that, the music of Eraserheads collectively binds people through familiar themes like love, friendship, and dreams, making anyone refer to their songs as their own, as sound tracks of their lives.

"Ang Huling El Bimbo" reminds me of days in sixth grade when one of my teachers would get his guitar and start the class singing in unison. "Overdrive" brings back memories of long car rides, when I just wanted to take the wheel away from whoever the driver is and steer. "With a smile" was the perfect song during moments of depression. "Minsan" was the anthem of college students, who are already bound to the working life. So even if I am not a hardcore Eraserheads fan, I can count some of their songs as favorites.

And their band, undoubtedly, is an influential part of our popular culture. Every one who contributed an essay in Tikman ang Langit, An Anthology on the Eraserheads agrees so.

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0 vowed to Lenayism
2:37:00 AM


Lenay is a happy snapper and aspiring wanderlust, who writes for leisure and for living. A quirky kid, others think that she is a human tranquilizer and an arrested pre-adolescent. She was born in 1985.


May 2005
June 2005
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August 2006
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January 2007
February 2007
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April 2007

Previous Posts

The Big Move
Sofisticat, Escape Artist, Junkie Monkey, Love Bug...
The Perennial Late-Comer Rants About Being Late......
Kids Asks the Darnest Things
The unbearable heat makes me hate summer all the m...
This Is So Cool I Had It Bookmarked (and Copied)
This is what I get from reading Tikman ang Langit,...
In my dream-time sleep, I was a smooth criminal
A trip to Quiapo Church on a Palm Sunday
What is going on with kids these days?

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"It is not a bad idea to get in the habit of writing down one's thoughts. It saves one having to bother anyone else with them." - Isabel Colegate

"I'm just going through a phase right now. Everybody goes through phases and all, don't they?" - JD Salinger

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